#include "tui.h" #include #include #include #include #include termpaint_integration *integration; termpaint_terminal *terminal; termpaint_surface *surface; AttributeSet attributes[ASetTypeCount]; std::unordered_map key_symbols; struct button_info { Button button; std::string string; size_t width; }; std::vector all_buttons; std::deque eventqueue; static void convert_tp_event(void *, termpaint_event *tp_event) { Event e; if (tp_event->type == TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR) { e.type = tp_event->type; e.modifier = tp_event->c.modifier; e.string = std::string(tp_event->c.string, tp_event->c.length); eventqueue.push_back(e); } else if (tp_event->type == TERMPAINT_EV_KEY) { e.type = tp_event->type; e.modifier = tp_event->key.modifier; e.string = std::string(tp_event->key.atom, tp_event->key.length); eventqueue.push_back(e); } } std::optional wait_for_event(termpaint_integration *integration, int timeout) { while (eventqueue.empty()) { bool ok = false; if(timeout > 0) ok = termpaintx_full_integration_do_iteration_with_timeout(integration, &timeout); else ok = termpaintx_full_integration_do_iteration(integration); if (!ok) { return {}; // or some other error handling } else if(timeout == 0) { Event e; e.type = EV_TIMEOUT; eventqueue.push_back(e); } } Event e = eventqueue.front(); eventqueue.pop_front(); return e; } void tp_init() { all_buttons = { {Button::Ok, "Ok", 2}, {Button::Cancel, "Cancel", 6}, {Button::Yes, "Yes", 3}, {Button::No, "No", 2}, }; key_symbols = { {"ArrowLeft", "←"}, {"ArrowUp", "↑"}, {"ArrowRight", "→"}, {"ArrowDown", "↓"}, {"Escape", "Esc"}, }; auto new_attr_set = [](AttributeSet &set, int color, int style = 0) { set.normal = termpaint_attr_new(color, TERMPAINT_DEFAULT_COLOR); termpaint_attr_set_style(set.normal, style); set.highlight = termpaint_attr_clone(set.normal); termpaint_attr_set_style(set.highlight, TERMPAINT_STYLE_INVERSE | style); }; new_attr_set(attributes[ASNormal], TERMPAINT_DEFAULT_COLOR); new_attr_set(attributes[ASWatched], TERMPAINT_DEFAULT_COLOR); new_attr_set(attributes[ASUnwatched], TERMPAINT_DEFAULT_COLOR, TERMPAINT_STYLE_BOLD); integration = termpaintx_full_integration_setup_terminal_fullscreen( "+kbdsig +kbdsigint +kbdsigtstp", convert_tp_event, nullptr, &terminal); surface = termpaint_terminal_get_surface(terminal); termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_visible(terminal, false); } void tp_shutdown() { auto free_attr_set = [](AttributeSet &set) { termpaint_attr_free(set.normal); termpaint_attr_free(set.highlight); }; free_attr_set(attributes[ASNormal]); free_attr_set(attributes[ASWatched]); free_attr_set(attributes[ASUnwatched]); termpaint_terminal_free_with_restore(terminal); } void tp_flush(const bool force) { termpaint_terminal_flush(terminal, force); } std::optional tp_wait_for_event() { return wait_for_event(integration, 0); } static std::string repeated(const int n, const std::string &what) { std::string out; for(int i=0; i &entries, size_t selected, const Align align) { selected = std::max(size_t(0), std::min(entries.size(), selected)); size_t cols_needed = string_width(caption); for(const auto &e: entries) cols_needed = std::max(cols_needed, string_width(e)); cols_needed += 4; // Border and left/right padding const int rows_needed = entries.size()+2; // Number of entries and top/bottom border bool done = false; bool force_repaint = false; std::vector actions = { {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowUp", 0, [&](){ if(selected > 0) selected--; }, "Previous option"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowDown", 0, [&](){ if(selected < entries.size() - 1) selected++; }, "Next option"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Escape", 0, [&](){ selected = -1; done = true; }, "Abort selection"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Enter", 0, [&](){ done = true; }, "Confirm selection"}, {EV_IGNORE, "1..9", 0, nullptr, "Select option 1..9"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "l", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ force_repaint = true; }, "Force redraw"}, }; while (!done) { const int cols = termpaint_surface_width(surface); const int rows = termpaint_surface_height(surface); int x, y; resolve_align(align, cols_needed, rows_needed, 0, cols, 0, rows, x, y); surface_backup backup(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed); draw_box_with_caption(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed, caption); int yy = y+1; size_t cur_entry = 0; for(const auto &e: entries) { termpaint_attr *attr = cur_entry == selected ? attributes[ASNormal].highlight : attributes[ASNormal].normal; termpaint_surface_write_with_attr(surface, x+2, yy++, e.c_str(), attr); cur_entry++; } termpaint_terminal_flush(terminal, force_repaint); force_repaint = false; auto event = wait_for_event(integration, 0); if(!event) abort(); if(!tui_handle_action(*event, actions)) { if(event->type == TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR && event->string.length() == 1) { char c = event->string[0]; if(c>'0' && c<='9') { size_t idx = c - '0'; if(idx > entries.size()) continue; selected = idx - 1; done = true; } } } } return selected; } Align operator|(const Align &a, const Align &b) { return Align((int)a | (int)b); } Button operator|(const Button &a, const Button &b) { return Button((int)a | (int)b); } Button operator&(const Button &a, const Button &b) { return Button((int)a & (int)b); } std::string get_string(const std::string &caption, const std::string &text, const Align align) { const int cols = termpaint_surface_width(surface); const int rows = termpaint_surface_height(surface); const size_t rows_needed = 3 + !text.empty(); const size_t cols_needed = cols/2; int x, y; resolve_align(align, cols_needed, rows_needed, 0, cols, 0, rows, x, y); surface_backup backup(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed); const int input_row = y + 1 + !text.empty(); std::string input; size_t input_pos = 0; termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_visible(terminal, true); termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_style(terminal, TERMPAINT_CURSOR_STYLE_BAR, true); bool done = false; bool force_repaint = false; std::vector actions = { {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Home", 0, [&](){ input_pos = 0; }, "Go to beginning of input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "a", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ input_pos = 0; }, "Go to beginning of input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "End", 0, [&](){ input_pos = input.size(); }, "Go to end of input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "e", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ input_pos = input.size(); }, "Go to end of input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowLeft", 0, [&](){ if(input_pos > 0) input_pos--; }, "Move left"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowRight", 0, [&](){ if(input_pos < input.size()) input_pos++; }, "Move right"}, // FIXME: Correctly handle deletion of clusters with more than one codepoint e.g. ° or ä {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Delete", 0, [&](){ if(input_pos < input.size()) { input.erase(input_pos, 1); } }, "Delete input forward"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Backspace", 0, [&](){ if(!input.empty()) { input.erase(input_pos - 1, 1); input_pos--; }}, "Delete input backward"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Escape", 0, [&](){ input.clear(); done = true; }, "Abort input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Enter", 0, [&](){ done = true; }, "Confirm input"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "l", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ force_repaint = true; }, "Force redraw"}, }; while(!done) { draw_box_with_caption(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed, caption); if(!text.empty()) termpaint_surface_write_with_attr(surface, x + 1, y + 1, text.c_str(), attributes[ASNormal].normal); termpaint_surface_write_with_attr(surface, x + 1, input_row, input.c_str(), attributes[ASNormal].normal); termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_position(terminal, x + 1 + input_pos, input_row); termpaint_terminal_flush(terminal, force_repaint); force_repaint = false; auto event = wait_for_event(integration, 0); if(!event) abort(); if(!tui_handle_action(*event, actions) && event->type != EV_TIMEOUT) { if(input_pos + 1 == cols_needed - 1) continue; if(event->type == TERMPAINT_EV_KEY) { if(event->string == "Space") event->string = " "; else continue; } input.insert(input_pos, event->string); input_pos++; } } termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_visible(terminal, false); termpaint_terminal_set_cursor_style(terminal, TERMPAINT_CURSOR_STYLE_TERM_DEFAULT, false); return input; } std::vector split(const std::string &str, const char delim, const unsigned int max_splits=0) { std::vector parts; std::string::const_iterator prev = str.cbegin(); std::string::const_iterator cur = str.cbegin(); unsigned int splits_done = 0; do { cur = std::find(prev, str.cend(), delim); if(max_splits!=0 && splits_done>=max_splits) { parts.emplace_back(prev, str.cend()); break; } parts.emplace_back(prev, cur); splits_done++; if(cur!=str.cend()) cur++; prev = cur; } while(cur!=str.cend()); return parts; } static const char *button_gfx_left[] = {"[", " "}; static const char *button_gfx_right[] = {"]", " "}; Button message_box(const std::string &caption, const std::string &text, const Button buttons, const Button default_button, const Align align) { std::vector active_buttons; size_t buttons_width = 0; for(const button_info &info: all_buttons) { if((buttons & info.button) == info.button) { active_buttons.push_back(info); buttons_width += info.width + 2 + 1; } } if(buttons_width) buttons_width -= 1; size_t selected_button = std::distance(active_buttons.begin(), std::find_if(active_buttons.begin(), active_buttons.end(), [default_button](const button_info &info){ return info.button == default_button; })); size_t width = std::max(string_width(caption), buttons_width); const std::vector lines = split(text, '\n'); for(const std::string &line: lines) { width = std::max(width, string_width(line)); } const size_t rows_needed = 4 + lines.size(); const size_t cols_needed = width + 4; bool done = false; bool force_repaint = false; std::vector actions; if(active_buttons.size() > 1) { actions = { {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Enter", 0, [&](){ done = true; }, "Confirm Selection"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowLeft", 0, [&](){ if(selected_button > 0) selected_button--;}, "Previous option"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "ArrowRight", 0, [&](){ if(selected_button < active_buttons.size() - 1) selected_button++; }, "Next option"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "l", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ force_repaint = true; }, "Force redraw"}, }; } else { actions = { {TERMPAINT_EV_KEY, "Enter", 0, [&](){ done = true; }, "Close dialog"}, {TERMPAINT_EV_CHAR, "l", TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL, [&](){ force_repaint = true; }, "Force redraw"}, }; } while(!done) { const size_t cols = termpaint_surface_width(surface); const size_t rows = termpaint_surface_height(surface); int x, y; resolve_align(align, cols_needed, rows_needed, 0, cols, 0, rows, x, y); surface_backup backup(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed); draw_box_with_caption(x, y, cols_needed, rows_needed, caption); for(size_t i=0; ialign, info->width, info->height, 0, cols, 0, rows, x, y); draw_box_with_caption(x, y, info->width, info->height, info->caption); size_t progress_w = info->width - 4; float progress = info->value / (float)info->maxvalue; int full_blocks = progress_w * progress; int partial_block = ((progress_w * progress) - full_blocks) * 8; std::string draw = repeated(full_blocks, "█"); switch(partial_block) { case 1: draw.append("▏"); break; case 2: draw.append("▎"); break; case 3: draw.append("▍"); break; case 4: draw.append("▌"); break; case 5: draw.append("▋"); break; case 6: draw.append("▊"); break; case 7: draw.append("▉"); break; default: break; } termpaint_surface_write_with_attr(surface, x + 2, y + 1, draw.c_str(), attributes[ASNormal].normal); termpaint_terminal_flush(terminal, false); } progress_info* begin_progress(const std::string &caption, const int width, const Align align) { progress_info *info = new progress_info; info->align = align; info->width = width + 4; info->height = 3; info->caption = caption; info->value = 0; info->maxvalue = 100; draw_progress(info); return info; } void update_progress(progress_info *info, int value, int maxvalue) { info->value = value; info->maxvalue = maxvalue; draw_progress(info); } void end_progress(progress_info *info) { delete info; } std::pair string_size(const std::string &str) { size_t width = 0; const std::vector lines = split(str, '\n'); for(const std::string &line: lines) { width = std::max(width, string_width(line)); } return {width, lines.size()}; } void write_multiline_string(const int x, const int y, const std::string &str, termpaint_attr *attr) { const std::vector lines = split(str, '\n'); for(size_t i=0; i &items) { const size_t rows = termpaint_surface_height(surface); const size_t rows_per_column = rows / 3 * 2; std::vector> column_texts; const size_t text_columns = 1 + items.size() / rows_per_column; size_t item = 0; for(size_t column=0; column texts; size_t key_width = 0; size_t text_width = 0; for(size_t i=0; i= column_texts[column].size()) continue; to_show.append(column_texts[column][i]); if(column+1 < text_columns) to_show.append(" "); } to_show.append("\n"); } message_box("Help", to_show.c_str()); } static std::string format_key(const action &action) { std::string str; if(action.modifier & TERMPAINT_MOD_CTRL) str.append("C-"); if(action.modifier & TERMPAINT_MOD_ALT) str.append("M-"); if(action.type == TERMPAINT_EV_KEY) { auto it = key_symbols.find(action.string); if(it == key_symbols.end()) str.append(action.string); else str.append(it->second); } else { str.append(action.string); } return str; } bool tui_handle_action(const Event &event, const std::vector &actions) { if(event.type == EV_TIMEOUT) return false; const auto it = std::find_if(actions.cbegin(), actions.cend(), [&](const action &a) { return a.type == event.type && a.string == event.string && event.modifier == a.modifier; }); if(it == actions.cend()) { if(event.type == TERMPAINT_EV_KEY && event.string == "F1") { std::vector items = {{"F1", "Display this help"}}; for(const action &action: actions) { if(action.help.empty()) continue; items.push_back({format_key(action), action.help}); } draw_help(items); return true; } return false; } if(it->func) it->func(); return true; } void tui_abort(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap, ap2; va_start(ap, fmt); va_copy(ap2, ap); int required = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if(required < 0) { va_end(ap2); abort(); } std::vector buffer(required + 1, 0); int written = vsnprintf(buffer.data(), required + 1, fmt, ap2); if(written != required) { va_end(ap2); abort(); } const std::string message(buffer.data()); const size_t cols = termpaint_surface_width(surface); message_box("Error", simple_wrap(message, cols/2)); exit(1); }