This application monitors your Twitter home timeline or any number (within the Twitter API limits) of hashtags of your choice and prints all incoming Tweets via an ESC/POS compatible thermal printer.
# Installation:
### System requirements
This application has been developed and tested on Linux, targeting python3.6 or newer.
It might work on macOS (likely) and Windows (very unlikely).
### Create a virtualenv with the required dependencies
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
### Getting Twitter API access
- If you already have access enter your consumer key/secret and access token/secret in the next step.
- If you don't have such credentials you must create a Twitter App and get the required information after you've created it.
### Create and fill in config.toml
cp config.toml.example config.toml
$EDITOR config.toml
# Put the required information into config.toml
# Printing Tweets
### Check your thermal printer
- Ensure it supports ESC/POS.
- See if your operating system detects your printer (look at the output of dmesg).
- Check if the user that will be running this application can access the printer (check `ls -l /dev/usb/lp*`, `id $USER`).
- A line width of 48 characters and Latin-1 as printer codepage 6 are assumed.
- This application was tested with a Excelvan/Hoin HOP-E801 printer. No other models/printers have been tested yet.
You can test this application without a thermal printer connected by simply omitting the `-p`/`--printer` argument when starting it. In that case you'll just get the output in your terminal.